FloridaNursingCEU.Com is an approved provider for professional continuing education courses. We will only provide training courses that are of great quality, professionally designed, and priced. We are an online continuing education company, if you want to complete your continuing education quickly and effortlessly while maintaining the core concepts of nursing continuing education that we are the company for you.

Continuing education is not a part-time thing for us. However the creators of our courses work in the nursing profession. We are not simply just writers or educators looking to make a fast buck and not understanding the day-to-day challenges of today's Florida nurse. Our courses are designed to be continuing education that you fit in your daily schedule. As a working nursing professional you don't need nursing continuing education courses on concepts that you'll never use. We have a full staff of individuals that are here to help you navigate your way through our simple and easy to use website and to answer any questions that you may have.
Below is a list of courses we offer:
- Altered Thought Processes: Dementia, Delirium and Depression Part One: Dementia - 4.0 In-Service Hours

- Shoulder Dystocia and Brachial Plexus Injury in the Newborn - 4.0 In- Service Hours
- HIV/ AIDS - Blood Borne Pathogens, Infection Control 3.0 In-Service Hours
- Sepsis - 3.0 In-Service Hours
- Domestic Violence 2.0 In-Service Hours
- Communication with Cognitively Impaired Clients 2.0 In-Service Hours
- Medical Error Prevention and Safety 2.0 In-Service Hours
- Confidentiality Responsibility’s 2.0 In-Service Hours
- Resident Rights 2.0 In-Service Hours
- And Many More....
Site Managed By: Relationship Marketing, LLC - CE Credits Provided By: CE Broker 50-14365
Any Questions Please Call (786) 664-8869
Monday To Friday 8:am to 7:00 pm EST
Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm